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Neptune Mutual Blog

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Exploit Analysis

Orion protocol hack

Taking a Closer Look at Orion Protocol Hack

Learn how an attacker exploited Orion Protocol as a result of insufficient reentrancy protection.

Bonq DAO protocol exploited

How was BonqDAO Protocol Exploited

How was BonqDAO protocol hacked by an exploiter due to price manipulation, and oracle hack?

Bevo nft project exploit

How was BEVO NFT Project Exploited

How was BEVO NFT project exploited by an attacker due to the deflationary nature of the tokens?

Ethereum classic's 51% attacks

Ethereum Classic 51% Attacks

Learn about how the multiple 51% attacks were carried out on Ethereum Classic on 2019.

Thoreum finance exploited

Thoreum Finance Smart Contract Vulnerability

How was Thoreum Finance exploited as a result of a smart contract vulnerability?

Upswing finance exploited

How Was Upswing Finance Exploited?

Learn how an attacker utilized a flash loan attack to manipulate the price of Upswing Finance.

OMNI Real Estate Token Exploit

How was ORT token of the OMNI Real Estate project exploited due to smart contract vulnerability?

Midas capital read only reentrancy attack analysis

How Was Midas Capital Exploited

Learn how an attacker exploited Midas Capital using read-only Reentrancy attack.

The Story Behind The DAO Hack

Learn how the attacker caused The DAO hack using reentrancy attack to siphon off 3.64 million ETH.