Collaboration between Neptune Mutual and SushiSwap
Explore Neptune Mutual's ongoing collaboration with SushiSwap offering several benefits.
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Contribute to the Neptune Mutual grants & bounties programs and receive lucrative rewards.
One of the major aspects that drive the blockchain and DeFi ecosystems is the collaborative and open-source nature of projects. From the cryptography and networking libraries that drive the underlying blockchains to the tools used to create dApps, open source libraries and solutions are everywhere. At Neptune Mutual, we believe it's crucial that developers and contributors are rewarded for their efforts to maintain the security and integrity of our project. That's why we offer a variety of grants and bounties to support people who contribute to our projects.
The Neptune Mutual Grants and Bounties program provides developers and security researchers with a way to contribute to the ecosystem and be compensated for their work. Our program covers a variety of areas, ranging from security and bug hunting to translating our documentation and growing the community through creating content. This gives people from a variety of backgrounds the opportunity to get involved with the Neptune Mutual ecosystem.
You can learn more about the compensation programs we run on our website. Some of our long-running programs include:
We have been operating a bug bounty program for our web-based systems to let people report on the vulnerabilities. If you find any vulnerabilities, please let us know immediately so that we can address them. In return, you'll be eligible to receive rewards.
Our website bug bounty program covers issues such as XSS bugs, SQL injections, and remote code execution vulnerabilities. We ask security researchers to abide by the scope and rules of the program and not reveal details of any vulnerabilities found until the vulnerability is resolved. The reward for finding a qualifying vulnerability is up to $500 in stablecoins and $NPM.
The use of automated testing tools that put a significant load on the website is forbidden. Please keep in mind that our web service is live, so we want you to perform testing in a non-disruptive way for the benefit of all of our users.
Security researchers with experience in smart contract coding may find the smart contract bug bounty program interesting. It covers the Neptune Mutual Blue protocol smart contracts, which are coded in Solidity.
All testing must be performed on a local fork of the chain rather than the mainnet or a public testnet. Rewards range from $500 in stablecoins and $NPM for reporting low severity bugs and up to $50,000 in stablecoins and $NPM for reporting critical vulnerabilities. Developers and researchers are required to read the terms of the program carefully before starting research.
The source code for Neptune Mutual Blue is available via GitHub for developers and researchers to study and review. We welcome any feedback that could help make the protocol better.
DeFi enthusiasts who do not have security or programming skills may find the ambassador program of interest. This program rewards users for helping grow the community by performing translation work, planning meetups, or creating videos and images to raise awareness of the parametric cover pool products we offer.
If you're passionate about DeFi and have good creative or people skills, this could be a good way for you to get involved with Neptune Mutual and also help improve DeFi as a whole, making Web3 more accessible to a wider audience of people.
The ambassador program is not yet available, but it will be launched soon. Stay tuned on our channels: Twitter (X), Discord, Telegram, and YouTube for updates on the ambassador program launch,its benefits, and compensation structure.
Our referral program is similar to our ambassador program as a way of raising awareness about our marketplace, but it’s slightly more informal.
If you're an influencer, a blogger, or simply someone involved in cryptocurrency and DeFi, you can become a partner. We will provide you with unique referral codes that you can share with your followers, community members, or friends. On every interaction with our marketplace with your referral code, you will be compensated with a cash-back bonus as a reward for referring people to the platform.
We also offer a variety of discount and cashback codes from time to time. Users can use the discount codes while purchasing covers from our marketplace to get cashback on transaction fees.
DeFi hopes to democratize the financial system, and that's something we're big believers in at Neptune Mutual. Just as DeFi concepts such as self-custody put you in control, we want our users and fellow blockchain enthusiasts to be in control of how they use and engage with the ecosystem.
We welcome all types of users. If you just want to purchase cover or use our staking features, you can still get a lot out of the platform. If you're interested in incident reporting and voting, you can earn NPM by doing this and help other users of the platform at the same time by providing valuable information for our parametric cover service.
The bug bounty programs are aimed at our most active and technically skilled users and those who are looking to build a resume of security research and development work. Whereas our ambassador and referral programs are designed for users who excel in marketing or have a solid follower base to promote our projects. You can join the program and start spreading our words to your audience.
We're also looking for people who share our passion and ethos to join the team. If you're interested in working for Neptune Mutual on a more formal basis, take a look at our Careers page to see a list of current job openings. We have a diverse team covering a wide variety of skills, and there may be something that suits you.
Whatever path you choose, we're glad to have you in the Neptunite community.