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Curve Finance

veNPM and Liquidity Gauge Features Live on Testnet

Neptune Mutual launches vote escrow feature and gauge emissions on Polygon Mumbai testnet.

Discretionary vs Parametric Insurance for Crypto

An article on the differences between parametric and discretionary covers in blockchain

Vyper Language Zero Day Exploits

Learn how a compiler bug on Vyper was exploited, causing a loss of $73.5 million.

What Is Curve Finance? Curve Wars Explained

Learn about Curve Finance including how its voting and reward mechanism led to Curve Wars.

A Quick Guide to DEXs and IDOs

A quick introduction to different Decentralized Exchanges and Initial DEX Offerings.

Cover Product Spotlight: Curve Finance

The Neptune Mutual marketplace now offers the Curve Finance cover policy, a DEX for stablecoins.

Weekly Report (Feb-13)

Governement plans on Metaverse, PUMA, and web3 initiatives and other events of the week.

Taking a Closer Look at Dforce Exploit

Learn how an attacker exploited dForce Protocol owing to a read-only reentrancy vulnerability.

Bootstrapping liquidity pools for defi insurance

Bootstrapping Liquidity Pools & DeFi Insurance

The Role of Bootstrapping Liquidity Pools In Helping Drive Adoption of DeFi Insurance.

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